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Update: Shemini Atzeres Simchas Torah 5781

Miriam Spielman

Thank you to our amazing community for making the past few weeks of Tishrei at TT incredible. Despite the logistical challenges, the atmosphere has been vibrant!! We have been working very hard around the covid restrictions to make the Yomtov davening and events as “normal” as possible, while remaining covid compliant.

Book your place at our upcoming programs - bookings close (tomorrow) Wednesday at midnight.


1) To book for Davening for Shemini Atzeres click here:

2) To book your kids for the Shemini Atzeres Children’s Rally at 5-6pm on Shabbos afternoon and a taste of Simchas Torah click here: See also attached flyer for details.


3) To book for Davening for Simchas Torah click here:

Hakofos will be modified to comply with covid. We are fortunate to be able to host Seuda for those over bar/bas mitzva, from 9pm-11pm (when most children will be sleeping). 

An idea for parents of young kids who wish to attend the Seuda is to have an earlier yomtov evening meal at home with the family and then to get a babysitter in order to attend the Seuda afterwards.

Because we are limited in space, priority will be given to TT Members/ Paid Shul Services to book for the Hakofos and the Seuda. We take the permitted building capacity numbers seriously and we will have Security on the premises for access control.

B”H we have had many additional expenses to run the Tishrei programs at TT this year. Donations will be very much appreciated and can be made on the TryBooking forms.

Wishing you and the family a Gut Moed and a Gmar Tov!


© 2024 Tzemach Tzedek Community Centre, Inc. Sydney, Australia.

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