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Miriam Spielman

Dear all,

1. Chodesh Tov: A happy Rosh Chodesh Iyar to everyone! Iyar is the roshay tayvos for "Ani Hashem Rofecha". We hope that everyone is keeping well. And may all who need a refuah be healed. This Pesach we had a unique opportunity to reflect on what "chairus", freedom means on many levels; to have our gezunt is chayrus, to be able to leave our homes whenever and wherever we feel like is chairus. To daven, learn and socialise without limitations is chairus. And of course, the ultimate geulah, leshono habo biYerushalayim, which we ended off the Seder with, is chairus.

As we settle into a new normal, we look forward to the day that we will be iy"H able to come together again as a community again "in real". Bechasdei Hashem, through the appropriate distancing, the spread is slowing and when the time is right, whenever that will be, will be the right time. We hope that everyone is keeping well and coping well (more on that below) and we are thinking of you all.

2. Maos Chittim Recap: On the topic of Pesach, we'd like to say a BIG thank you to all the wonderful people who contributed to the TT Benevolent Fund to help our community for Pesach. And thank you to the organisers. The fund launch was b"H very successful and made a significant impact. A big thank you also, to those who contributed towards the various Maos Chittim funds in our general kehilla and to their organisers who have been giving of their time and energy consistently over the years.

3. Community Assistance During these Challenging Times:

  • Jewish House In addition to their regular services JH has launched the following new services: - Emergency support, phone 1300 544 357 - Financial counselling - Phone sessions for psychology & counselling - Medication delivery service - Jewish House COVID-19 Crisis Portal. Great resources: mental health and wellness toolkits and advice, children and family resources, nutritional information and more. - Coming shortly: Online daily drop-in activity sessions to fill the day, where you can join realtime fun activities throughout the day for parents and kids eg cooking, yoga and more. - JH is looking for people who can potentially provide temporary foster care for a Jewish child in need. Please consider if this is something you could help with if needed. - If you or a loved on is suffering with an addiction you don't need to suffer in silence. Jewish House has excellent counselling services that can help you during this difficult time. For info visit or phone 1300 544 357.

  • JewishCare 1) Emergency Relief Fund. Financial support up to $5K to relieve financial hardship and emotional stress. 2) Pro Bono financial counsellors and specialist business advisers to provide assistance to any community member in financial or personal distress: - Helping to direct individuals to Government support channels and to assist with any applications to those channels. - Helping with any negotiations with landlords, banks or other creditors. - Facilitating longer‐term financial planning. For info visit or phone 9302 8000.

  • Short Term Gemach For those who need, there is a short term, interest free gemach fund run by Shlomo Zalman Goldschmiedt. He can be contacted on 0433 335 001.

4. TT Community Care Calls: Be"H next week we will be resuming our TT Community Care Calls to connect with you. Are you able to volunteer your time (any amount of time or day/s that suit you) to assist us in making these calls? We are seeking men and women from all age demographics to fill our roster. If you are able to help out, please text me on 0401 512 927.

5. Covid Govt Updates: For those who aren't already checking out the official Aust Government Covid Update page regularly, you can join their Whatsapp channel by sending a text to 0400 253 787 to receive up to date notifications and advice. Or visit reguarly for all essential information regarding Covid.

6. Thank yous: to our Rabbi, Board and Management of TT who continue to volunteer of their time to keep the shul and community running. From shiurim, to (misheberach) tehillim names, timesheets, financials, planning etc. A lot is done behind the scenes and continues to do so.

Wishing everyone a gut Shabbos Rosh Chodesh!


© 2024 Tzemach Tzedek Community Centre, Inc. Sydney, Australia.

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